My Dream Job! (Pichjira)

          Having a good job is the dream of many people but what is a good job? a job give a many salary? the socialist job? the job that others want to give us or the job you love?
          I'm the one who has the dream , When I was young at school my teachers like to ask questions "Was will you be in the future" the answer is many such as doctor , nurse , soldier , teacher , police etc. I was the one who answered that "I want to be a doctor" that is my first dream.
          When I grow up and meet more things I feel the doctor is not the right career for me , but now a day society think the people who can be a doctor are smart , is a man who marks his parents proud. So I try again , but this time I have added my passion is psychology. I like psychology because it interesting , it has no fixed answer like math , it is no principles that can not be changed like physics , but psychology requires a great deal of understanding and  students must understand the subject . So I think "I want to be psychiatrist" This is my second dream.
          I'm continuin to study and one time I joined medical students camp for find myself. Finally I know my mind I did not want to be doctor. At the time , my teacher was shocked when she heard that and she told me to go back to think again . I take it all back, think seriously and counseled with my parents. They never pressured me but they always encourage and counsel. It make me sure I'm right. I went back to tell my teacher "I want to be a psychologist" They see my intentions and support me. Even though everything is going well , I'm still nervous because psychologists in Thailand is not a job with good welfare. People also see that psychologists work with madman. Thailand has a lack of knowledge and understanding of the psychology , different from foreign they are very sensitive to psychology and psychologists in foreign countries are also very desirable and salary is better than Thailand. I think again if I like psychology , I have to learn to finish the course , I will work for my parents but if I work at Thailand , my salary will not be enough to raise them and that made me determined to work aboroad as a psychologist. So the good job for me is a job I love that is my dream job!

Pichjira Bamrungsong  6010801664
